Set your standard to God's best for you...
For a long time I lived life accepting what life gave me. I had to learn to set, and stay firm to, boundaries as my being a former people-pleaser often caused me to settle and consistently break boundaries. But...
When you know your value...then it becomes easier to set boundaries, and I decided to set my boundaries based on God’s standard for me.
This was a new practice to put into place. Oh I had general morals, but I never really had defined boundaries in my life. I learned that you can have boundaries in, and boundaries out. For example, I don’t need a husband to make me whole, or happy, or to complete me. It would be nice to one day have a husband, but it is not based on a place of need. So my boundary is set there. I, Lita, do not NEED a man for money, sex or shopping. God is my provider and it is established that all of my needs are met. When the person is right then it will be okay, but it is established now that I am happy and I enjoy life. I WILL NOT SETTLE FOR LESS AND I DO NOT SEEK THE APPROVAL OF ANYONE.
This season of my life is beautiful!
I love this season! Everything in my life - the good, and the bad, has brought me to this place. It is a place where I know that I know who God Almighty, El Shaddai, Adonai is. Before you know yourself, you have to know who He is. It is He that has made us and not we, ourselves. I see this always, and I know this. I have experienced this time and time again. There is no more doubt, anxiety or unbelief. It goes back to knowing that I am blessed, and the overflow of that is to BE a blessing. You cannot contain, should not contain, being blessed. Jesus is a conduit for wells of living water and we are conduits, too. As He is so are we!